LOVE with Mini Mimosa Bouquet


Spread love with our exquisite handmade mini mimosa dried flower bouquet! Enclosed in a charming kraft paper box measuring 5.5x7.5 inches, featuring a clear top for an elegant display. The accompanying letterpress "LOVE" card, sized at 5x7 inches, adds a heartfelt touch to your message.

The mini mimosa bouquet, measuring approximately 5.5x3 inches, sits delicately within the box, offering versatility as it's not attached to the card. Whether you choose to embellish the bouquet further or leave it as is, it's sure to delight.

This unique product is one-of-a-kind, as depicted in the images provided. Additionally, our logo graces the back of the box, offering a signature touch. Plenty of space is available for you to pen personalized messages, ensuring your sentiments are conveyed with care.

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